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This project aims to tackle the challenge of women economical empowerment in two main ways:

a) firstly to enhance the efficiency of training and employment initiatives for unemployed women by:

• gaining a better understanding of the scope and diversity of current approaches to the question of women’s reintegration into active life – based on examples from 5 different social contexts in Europe today

• identifying – and documenting - examples of current “best practices” in this field – and developing criteria for measuring the quality of services provided

• creating facilitated networking opportunities at local/regional level – involving actors from different sectors of activity (support & guidance service / educational & training services / monitoring agencies etc.)

• developing a clearer understanding of the potential complementarities between different agencies and developing the notion of building “progression routes” to greater autonomy on the part of unemployed women

• creating – and testing -  training and employment initiatives which are more accessible, attractive and suited to the individual and collective needs of unemployed women

• developing strategies for ongoing cooperation between the partners involved beyond the duration of this project


b) secondly, to explore professional training and support gaps for the facilitators and educators involved in this field of work and to develop responses at both regional and European-levels. The project will do this by:

• supporting social educators to identify their own personal and professional development and support needs in an ongoing way throughout the project

• offering coaching where necessary to help educators be more self-aware and have greater confidence in their own professional approaches

• building on peer support opportunities at European-level – through the offer of participation in learning activities where they can explore “how is it done elsewhere?”

• developing experimental training modules that will empower the educators  to empower their unemployed clients” in a way that will reactivate them again and make them less dependent on the system and more self-reliant

• identifying ways to make the support and training opportunities developed ongoing and sustainable beyond the project duration.



This project has been funded with support of the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the authors and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



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