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Belgium - Take Initiative


Project Partner: non-profit organisation “Take Initiative” provides training and coaching to adult educators in order to develop their competences in especially “learning to learn” but also on other specific topics within their professional fields.


They organise trainings and workshops, at local and European-level, develop online and offline courses and publications to support self-directed learning processes and offer learning coaching as part of professional coaching pathways.  Members are trainers, youth workers, coaches and educators interested in innovative approaches to support learning such as self-directed learning and co-active coaching.


Take Inititative has run several  European trainings on these topics and, as a result of these trainings, has set up and facilitated the Take Initiative online network of “supporters of learning” that plays a consulting and supporting role in the development of training offers. They work together with other Flemish educational organisations to introduce self-directed learning as an innovative approach both in formal and non-formal settings in Flanders. They also offer offer, together with another organisation, learning coaching for unemployed people, new entrepreneurs and professionals who want to figure out their values, talents, passion and sell it well on the labour marktet or as an entrepreneur.


They are based in Antwerpen, the largest city of Flanders, with around 200 different nationalities and a growing challenge in terms of the unemployment of women - especially migrant and older women.


Take Initiative’s representative in the She Empowers project is Ann Daniels who is a non-formal education trainer and coach. Ann, who has been working as a trainer since 2002, specialises in supporting learner-centered  processes and developing innovative learning approaches like self-directed learning and coaching. She is trained as a co-active coach by the Coaching Training Institute and is passionate about everything that has to do with finding and developing the potential in people. Ann has worked for several years on behalf of the Flemish and Dutch National Agencies of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action programme.  




This project has been funded with support of the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the authors and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



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