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  • Exploring Time (January 2015- May 2015). During this time each partner investigated and mapped the policies and services offered in their local area in order to support female employability and female economic empowerment. We also identified some good practiices and you can read more about it in the mapping results and good practices  (interlink, is it possible?) section. This phase ended with the meeting in Antwerp in May 2015 where 3 representatives of each partner presented the results.


  • Time for Action (June 2015- April 2017). Each partner created a local network composed by different representatives of the labour market. This network will work together for two years in order to create a better and more coherent strategy to support female economic empowerment, importing some element of the good practices from the other countries, introducing innovative elements in the services offered to unemployed women, setting up new partnership etc.  Another important task of the network is to identify the learning needs of the professionals working with the target group; this part is essential for the development of the Training Module Development phase.  There will be a check point and an exchange in France in June 2016 where the project coordinators and with three representatives of each network will meet together.


  • Training Module Development (July 2016 – April 2017). According to the learning needs of the professionals identified in the previous step, we are going to develop two 5 days training modules to support female employability that will be implemented in Italy and Spain between February and April 2017.


All the results will be shared on this website and presented in a final event in every country in July 2017




This project has been funded with support of the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the authors and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



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