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The context


According to the Global Gender Gap Report 2014 - which seeks to measure important aspects of gender equality (the relative gaps between women and men across four key areas: health, education, economy and politics) - Spain ranks in 29th position, but in terms of economic participation and opportunity, it goes down to 84th place mainly due to the differences in salaries between men and women for similar work.


Spain, being quite a big country in size, has also the peculiarity of being divided into 17 regions with a relatively large political autonomy, that creates differences in the way the budget is spent between them. The study, for this project, is being held in the Castilla y León area, a region with 9 provinces, a wide geographic spread, with the main economic sectors being services and agriculture.


Read the full context here 

Mapping process


The two good practices selected from the city of Valladolid offer different possible solutions to the women’s unemployment issue.

The first is innovative because it includes training that can help in job-hunting - but also involves working with a coach to focus on some of the more personal development aspects (self-esteem, motivation etc.).

The second example chosen, although not focusing specifically on women, aims to offer different levels of support to people with an idea to set up a new business.


Good practices


2 good practices were identified in Spain:

- Launching Pad for women: The "Launching Pads of Employment and Solidarity Entrepreneurship" represent a new philosophy in social intervention in unemployment. They were born as an alternative response to the current period of economic crisis and high unemployment in Spain as a change of approach and interpretation of employment policies developed so far. They try to foster change and action by forming communities of unemployed people in order that they regain optimism and re-discover the competences they have already to find paid work or to develop a new business initiative.  

Read more about this good practice here


- Enterprising Valladolid: Creating a new business is a complex process as a lot of stages have to be gone through, and paperwork completed, whether it is a case of creating a medium-sized enterprise (employing others) or a one-person company. This initiative offers support from the stage of conception of the idea, and the process of needs analysis, to the stage of transforming it into an actual business project, through the start-up of the company, the phase of consolidation to the dissemination of the eventual successes. It also offers the possibility of meeting with other entrepreneurs – more or less experienced in entrepreneurship - as well as having access to a “counsellor” or tutor with experience in the area related to the specific business field the person is in.

Read more about this good practice here


This project has been funded with support of the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the authors and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



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